Virtual Class Rules & Discipline

Start Time

Students are expected to be logged in to Google Meets at 7:45. We will start promptly at 7:45 with our morning meetings. Please make sure students are ready at that time.

Dress Code

Students should be dress fully in child-friendly attire.


We understand that this is not an ideal school situation however, we do encourage that all of our families create an educational environment for their children. Please limit distractions and have your child sitting at a table or desk ready to learn.

Class Rules

  1. Listen
  2. Respect
  3. Follow directions
  4. Do Your Best
  5. Be in Class & on Time

Class Discipline

I will be using class DoJo, which tracks each student’s behavior online. You can log into your student’s account and see what they earn points for. Points can be earned for making positive choices and taken away for poor choices. Every Friday, the students can spend their points on treasure box items or save their points for prizes worth
more. These treasure box items will be “privileges that students will be allowed to do” while we are virtual. Students can also change their avatar if they wish. I prefer to communicate through the DoJo platform. I have emailed you more information on how to connect with our class through Dojo. If you did not receive the email, please contact me as soon as possible.

Parent Questions

Teachers will not answer student-specific parent questions during instructional time. If you have any questions, please email your teacher directly. They will be able to answer your question or set up a Google Meets appointment during virtual hours.

"In teaching others we teach ourselves - Proverb

Be Cool!